This word is a really long medical term! Yay!

Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (noun): This is a disease of the lungs caused by the inhalation of fine silica dust which causes inflammation in the lungs. 

That is something that I don't want to have! ;)
Sorry about the late word. Please refer to Announcementz 4.1 for a little more info.
Sesquipedalian: characterized by the use of long words (noun)

This word's root "Sesquipedalio", can be found in a previous long word: Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliaophobia. 
A sesquippedalian is someone who loves long words...
Effulgent: shine forth brilliantly; radiant (Part of Speech: Adj.)

Now this word is not long, but it is not used often. Have you ever heard anybody use this word. Even the most sophisticated person you know probably isn't aware of the existence of this word.

Sorry for the late word. The next will be posted 12/7- on schedule! 
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia: The fear of long words...

Such a crazy and useless word.... I mean seriously people who are afraid of long words are going to be afraid of this...
Why people make words like this up will be a mystery.

The next post will be on 12/5
Pulchritudinous come from the latin root-Pulchritude.
Meaning: Beautiful

The next word will be posted on 12/3/12!