Yes, I know it has been a month, but don't get mad at me! :o

I have added 3 new Random Wordz and Memez (each), 2 new Random Factz, and a new page called Linkz! Also, there are two new posts in the Anime section.

I have disbanded the page called Gamez (nothing much I could do since it wasn't working out the way I planned). I have also disbanded the page called "Other Thingz!"

Ok, so remember the time when I was saying I was going to make a "music" page... well, I am not really sure. I am still deciding if it is a worthy page. I going to think about it...

I am trying to make a tutorial. Yes,  I know I have been saying that for months, but I will Soon! Don't hurt me! :D

Also, please refer to Announcementz 5 and 5.1 about the links!

Thanks guys.

Random Factz and Wordz

Things have not been working out as planned, so, I will present you with words and facts on an infrequent basis. There may be "update spurts" from time to time. So I will post words randomly. No every 2 days thing... Sorry for any inconvenience. Contact me if you have any issues!


Guys, check out my partners site! She needs your support as well! The link is below and on the home page!
   So I haven't updated in a LONG TIME! I recently checked the stats of this site... and in early December, there was like 360 visits to my site... hopefully it just wasn't me checking up on everything!
   Anyways, still working on the tutorials. Mass updates. "Update Spurts" is coming up. Ummm, trying to improve this site greatly.
   I just made the Facebook page group. Just go to the link below and it will (hopefully) direct you to my facebook page. There you can inbox me and ask to join. 
   HAPPY NEW YEARS! On my New Years Resolution list (in addition to exercising, learning Japanese and Hindi, and learning about some complicate math and science stuff) I AM GOING TO TRY TO UPDATE MORE OFTEN!!!!
   So just keep visiting and thanks for the support! :)

Due to my having little free time, we are behind one word and fact. Updates will cease. Tutorialz, an anime and music page, games, memez and more are coming. Stay with me
Hey guyz! 
The site will be updated on the most on the weekends, when I have the most free time. BUT, still keep a look out for updatez on the weekdayz! tuturialz, Music, and more Gamez coming soon. Word of the Day and Facts will be posted every two dayz! Memes will be posted at random intervals. Watch out for "Meme Spurtz"! 

HELP MAKE THIS SITE BECOME MORE ACTIVE!!!! I appreciate those of you who are active! SPREAD THE WORD! I will make a facebook page over the weekend. More detailz on that coming soon! 
So a LOT of you guyz want tutorialz on art! No worries, I will make some soon! 
And for those of you who love anime, I will hook you guyz up with multiple sites where you can watch it online for free, LEGALLY, and no downloads! Some manga sites will be up for guyz too! The Anime page will be up by the end of this week.
Stay with me guyz! Spread the word on Twitter, Facebook, in your school, on your website, on other chat boxes, and whatever else you can come up with. Go around banging pots in you neighborhood yelling "GO TO RANDOMBRAINZ (WITH A 'Z').WEEBLY.COM!!!!" (Don't do that... though)

 A Music Page will be added with cool songs and covers by different instruments! 
Sneak Peek: "Glad you Came" (The wanted) cover on Saxophone, Gangnam Style, Skyfall by Adele. A music feedback page will be added so you guyz may comment on what you guyz want!
I cannot post games as to where is doesn't link you to another site. So I am just posting links to the gamez....
The Memez page has been put up! There is also the Gamez page. The quality of the games posted may be iffy, so I made the Gamez Feedback. I would like for you guyz to comment on the Gamez feedback page. Tutorialz are coming soon. There will be more pollz too! 
Hey guyz! There will be some tutorialz soon about Programz and Art. Also be expecting a new page to be filled, a Meme's page! If I can, I will try to include some gamez. This website is starting off good! Spread the word about this site! The more people, more feedback, more changes, more improvement, better entertainment...