Yes, I know it has been a month, but don't get mad at me! :o

I have added 3 new Random Wordz and Memez (each), 2 new Random Factz, and a new page called Linkz! Also, there are two new posts in the Anime section.

I have disbanded the page called Gamez (nothing much I could do since it wasn't working out the way I planned). I have also disbanded the page called "Other Thingz!"

Ok, so remember the time when I was saying I was going to make a "music" page... well, I am not really sure. I am still deciding if it is a worthy page. I going to think about it...

I am trying to make a tutorial. Yes,  I know I have been saying that for months, but I will Soon! Don't hurt me! :D

Also, please refer to Announcementz 5 and 5.1 about the links!

Thanks guys.

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